Angelbliss Baby Playpen Review

Our experience with the Angelbliss Baby Playpen

Angelbliss Baby Playpen Review Product ImageAmazon Associates Pixel for Product Id: B0811J2NM5

First impression of the Angelbliss Baby Playpen

With over 1300 reviews on Amazon and an average rating of 4.5 stars, the Angelbliss Baby Playpen is a great choice for parents looking for a solution for their child who needs a safe play area.

Not only will your baby love their freedom to play in a safe environment, mom and dad will love the fact that they can now enjoy peace of mind while their baby entertains themselves for short periods of time with some toys or books of their choosing.

Is playpen a good idea?

Some argue that playpens are not great as they restrict movement of the child and are overused by parents in general. It is our experience that playpens have a time and a place. You should of course not just stick your child in there for the entire day and have the playpen babysit them, but if you need a few minutes to yourself or have a big open space that you do other things in while your baby plays, it is generally fine.

What we liked about this playpen

As our child started to go from crawling to standing up, this playpen was great in that she could hold on to the sides, which are made out of safe foam material, and start to move sideways by herself around the perimiter of the area.

We usually have this filled with her normal toys and books and get a reliable 30 to 60 minutes in the morning of time when we can prepare breakfast while she is safely playing in the other room and has no risk of climbing on some furniture that could otherwise hurt her.

An added plus is that this playpen is large enough for parents to sit in, or if you had a long night, grab a blanket and lay down in.

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