1. Schedule the visit beforehand
Visiting a new baby in the early weeks is an incredibly special and magical experience. To ensure that you make the most of this moment, scheduling a visit ahead of time is highly recommended.
By doing so, you can ensure that the parents are ready for your visit, as well as place yourself in the best position to meet their needs.
Additionally, pre-scheduling allows you to plan around any other visitors who might be there or time constraints set by the family, assuring you get to spend quality time with the new arrival.
Scheduling ahead will make your visit run more smoothly, creating a pleasant atmosphere so that everyone can relax and enjoy spending time with one another!

2. Wash your hands before touching any newborn baby
When visiting a brand new baby for the first time, it is important to take special care to protect her from germs and keep her healthy. This applies more than ever during flu season.
Washing your hands is an essential part of that preventive care; washing your hands can help reduce the spread of both infectious and noninfectious germs and keep the baby safe.
It is recommended that you wash your hands before holding the baby or touching any surfaces, such as toys or furniture.
If unavailable, alcohol-based hand sanitizers are an acceptable alternative option - but there's nothing like warm soap and water!
3. Only visit a new baby when you are healthy
It is essential to be healthy before visiting a new baby in the early weeks, as young infants have an undeveloped immune system and are highly vulnerable to catching infections.
Therefore, if you feel even a mild cold coming on - or if you already have any virus or bacterial infection - it's best to stay away until you are well again.
Not only will this protect the baby from being exposed to germs, but it will also give the family peace of mind.

4. Bring food for the new parents
A great way to show your support to the new parents when visiting a newborn is to bring food. A home cooked meal or little treats can make all the difference for those exhausted by their new responsibilities.
Research has found that grocery shopping and meal preparation are two of the biggest sources of stress for new mothers and fathers, so taking this chore out of the equation will leave them with more energy to bond with and care for their new addition.
It's also a fun way to connect over something special — maybe you could try out a family recipe from years ago.
5. Don't wake a sleeping baby
It is important to remember that new babies need their rest! Always ask each parent beforehand if you are allowed to wake their baby or just gently observe them sleeping.
Making sure that the baby is well rested will help protect their precious newborn sleep schedule and prevent them from becoming overtired during the time you are visiting.

6. Never kiss the baby
While there’s nothing wrong with showing your affections, it isn’t the best idea health-wise to actually kiss the baby.
Babies don't have the same immune system as adults, so germs can spread quickly among them. They are also very fragile in these early years, so it is important to be cautious when visiting and interacting with a newborn.
It's better to use gentle strokes or loving words when you are around a new baby, as that way you can ensure they stay healthy and safe while you get to enjoy their precious presence in peace.
7. Give the baby back to mom if they start crying
Visiting a newborn baby can often be a joyous occasion, but sometimes the little ones get overwhelmed and start fussing. If you find yourself with a crying baby, then it's important to remember that the best thing you can do is give the baby back to their mother.
Whenever possible, mothers should be given the chance to comfort and nurture their babies when they need it most. Even if you were planning on holding the baby for longer, putting them back into the loving arms of their mother is always going to be beneficial for the baby.
Not only does it give them an additional source of comfort and security, but it also helps promote bonding between mom and baby - something that will benefit them both in the long run.

8. Never smoke
Visiting a newborn is an experience that should be a joyous occasion. Tobacco smoke, however, is far from welcome.
Newborns are especially vulnerable to the infectious pathogens found in cigarette smoke and can suffer from severe respiratory issues with even short-term exposure.
To ensure the health of you and the baby, try to avoid smoking before visiting; if you do need to smoke, steer clear for at least two hours beforehand so both you and the new addition can enjoy quality time together without putting each other in harm’s way.
9. Avoid wearing strong perfume
When you visit a newborn, it's important to show extra care and consideration, including being mindful of the perfume you wear. Strong scents can be overwhelming to a baby, who has an incredibly sensitive sense of smell that they are not yet accustomed to.
Not only could perfumes make the baby uncomfortable and agitated, but they have also been known to cause respiratory irritation or even allergic reactions in some cases.
To be on the safe side, no matter how delicious your signature scent may be, opt for a light fragrance – or skip wearing any at all – when visiting a newborn.

10. Avoid posting pictures to social media
Even though there is nothing wrong with snapping some pictures for memories, it's important to remember that you shouldn't be overcome by the urge to take photos. Babies are very sensitive and need complete undivided attention when first adapting to the new environment.
Taking pictures in the room can interfere with this adaptation process, which may lead a baby feeling overwhelmed or overstimulated. Instead of taking photos, spend time marveling in every moment that comes with being near such a precious bundle of joy.
Additionally you should never post pictures of babies to social media. They deserve a say in how much privacy they have and can not consent to having their photos on the internet at such a young age.
11. Don't take it personal if the new mother is upset or emotional
For a new mom, giving birth to a new family member marks the beginning of an incredible new chapter in their lives. As exciting as it can be, the transition is often overwhelming and new moms may find themselves feeling overwhelmed with new emotions in the first few weeks after the baby's birth.
It's important to give new mothers time and space to adjust to their new situations without judgment or added stress. If you notice a new mom being particularly upset or emotional when visiting her newborn, don't take it personally -- this is likely just a part of their adjustment process.
Take the opportunity to offer comfort or moral support if possible, as even small gestures can go a long way for new moms during this time.

12. Avoid giving any unsolicited advice about parenting
Everyone has their own opinion on the best way to raise a child, and while visiting a newborn, it's important to remember that your opinion should remain just that: your opinion.
Instead of offering up unsolicited advice or criticism, why not give praise and compliments, helping the new parents feel more confident in their journey ahead? This will ensure that the visit is positive and meaningful for both new parents and baby.
13. Give mom privacy when she is breastfeeding
A new mom needs some time and privacy to bond with their young baby during breastfeeding without worrying about visitors.
Not only does this help with deepening the mother-child connection, but it also helps new moms become more familiar and comfortable with the process of breastfeeding in general. Since breastfeeding can be challenging for many new moms, giving her some peace of mind may make all the difference.
Allowing her space also shows an incredible amount of respect for both mom and baby that is greatly appreciated.

14. Don't bring pets or little children
Visiting a newborn can be a wonderful occasion; it's an opportunity to share in the joy of introducing a new life into the world. To keep the visit pleasant and safe, however, it's wise to be selective in who you bring with you.
It can be overwhelming for a newborn if too many people enter their space at once so limit the number of visitors. Additionally, it is generally not recommended to bring pets or young children when visiting a newborn as they may overwhelm the baby, making them even more unsettled.
If you must bring your pet or children with you, ensure that they are calm and well-behaved out of respect for both yourself and the little one - no one likes a house full of chaos!
15. Offer to help around the house
Offering to help the new parents allows more time for them to bond with their baby while supplying support and relief from the burden of everyday tasks.
Taking care of simple chores such as making meals, doing the dishes, or putting on a load of laundry can go a long way in easing stress.

16. Don't overstay your welcome
Even if you mean well, remember that too much time spent visiting a newborn takes away from the precious moment when a family is first beginning. A good rule of thumb is to stay for no more than an hour and plan any longer visits with plenty of advance notice.
Perhaps allow them to give you a call when they have had some extra rest and feel ready for visitors. That way, you can make sure that your visit won't detract from the joyous experience of welcoming the new baby into the world!
17. Respect the parents wishes
Even when the newest addition has arrived, parents often feel overwhelmed and unsure of themselves. Consequently, respecting their wishes and following any rules for visiting that they have can make everyone's visit more comfortable.

18. Don't ask how much sleep the new parents are getting
There is one question that can instantly put a damper on the joy of the moment- asking how much sleep the new parents are getting.
While this may seem like an innocent inquiry, it can cause distress for these sleep deprived individuals who feel enough stress about not being able to get regular rest.
To keep the visits lighthearted and fun, bring up other topics and keep it light. In doing so, you'll help new parents feel supported and loved during this pivotal time in their lives instead of thinking again about how very little sleep they are getting.
Also Read: New Parents and Sleep Deprivation19. Don't be a burden on the new family
It’s best to come by only when you have been explicitly invited and make sure to keep it short while respecting the family's rules for visiting in the process.
The same applies if you are meeting them in a public place such as a park or cafe; minimize your visit as much as possible so that they are not overwhelmed by additional company and can give all their attention to their baby.
Even better, offer to help out; this could range from doing some grocery shopping for them or tidying up around the house while they rest. Being a supportive friend goes a long way!

Our final thoughts on what you should do when visiting a new baby
Visiting a new baby is an exciting time! When getting ready, it's best to keep the environment calm and peaceful. Refrain from wearing heavy perfumes or colognes, as strong scents can be overwhelming for a newborn. Always abide by the host's rules for visiting as well.
Keep conversations low and refrain from loud noises. Newborns will often sleep during the visit, so it's important to keep all things quiet and peaceful in order for them to rest. Bring a few gifts for the family and for the baby, but nothing too big that would become difficult for their home.
In general you want to read the room and have common sense when approaching any sensitive topics or if you feel that you have overstayed your welcome.
With these tips you can ensure that you meet the beautiful baby in the best way possible and are off to a good start in your relationship while keeping mom and dad happy.